Verschönern Sie die Kiste Ihres Hundes

She’s so right. There is an absolute sweetness about Buddy. Anyone that meets him, loves him. He’s a bit of a celebrity with my kids’ friends. Dog Crate DIY hack Before picture BEFORE: In this photo we are re-painting the sunroom in Kendall Charcoal by Benjamin Moore. It was a matter of time, I knew this corner and Buddy’s crate would be next on my list. A little-known fact about me: I rescued and rehomed 16 dogs (and a pregnant momcat + her babies) in 2007 (before DIY, this was an early endeavor that kept me happily busy). But none of those dogs were Buddy. Tea Towel Stencil DIY by Snazzy Little Things Play Video He came with a “7 Day Free Trial” which meant he had numerous issues: separation anxiety, peeing and pooping whenever we left the house (in protest), dominance issues, excessive barking. And…he hates other dogs. He was a puppy mill puppy. And evidently…Buddy decided home was here with us. Buddy’s crate is his safe place. It’s where he goes to calm down. His issues are mostly resolved, but still has separation anxiety. Without the crate, he would have likely hurt himself as he panics and runs all over the house when we leave.Dog ownership is no joke. It comes with a lot more gear and responsibility than I ever anticipated. They truly are our “kids”. So just like any kids’ room, I had to get a better system when it came to storing Buddy-gear. I’m sorry for those of you that have a larger pet crate and you’re probably thinking “what about me?” I don’t have a build plan for that. But I would imagine you could make a massively impressive table or even a hutch using our plans as a guideline...

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